My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

Monday, April 25, 2016

To My Friends

The Big Risk

Dearest Blogging Friends,

A number of factors caused me to "hide" my true self, and try to be as low key and wordless as possible.

Among friends, family, and on-line, I used to enjoy sharing a bit about my "little life" 
("little", because I am home-bound). 
Unfortunately I regressed due to continued hostilities you know nothing about. 

I was made to think my Real Self was Ugly and Unacceptable.

Among the "things" and events which have helped free me,

is a healthy dose of you, 

my sweet internet friends.

Like a hibernating turtle, I am re-emerging from my shell,
and discovering that maybe I am not so unworthy that I have to hide in order to protect others from myself.

Some events especially this month have afforded even more liberty to my soul.


for allowing me to be "me", 

and for helping me see that it is acceptable to be my real self, 
and to no longer hide.

You are the right combination of Encouragement, Friendship, and Support -
and the right combination of dear personalities come together.
Your artwork also is a healing balm - because it is who you are.

I am blessed...

and so...

You never know how your words and actions will affect another life.
You certainly have affected mine positively.

Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Some names in particular have helped, and your names are listed below.


I probably have left some names out inadvertently,
but please know how much you have influenced me, and helped me over this terrible hurdle.
My life is different because of you.



KarinsArtScrap said...

ooo what a sweet post Donna.
but I hope you still growing and can be your self.
everybody counts so you too, your always so sweet in your comments and so kind, thank you.

Gr Karin

Anne Temple said...

You are one of the most special people I know! Keep on being true to yourself. If others don't like it, it's their loss of a friendship, not yours.

brenda said...

A very moving post Donna, it is often hard to bare our souls and true self and all to easy to curl up in our shell. I hear and can identify with all you say and you and many like you have help me through the tough times and am pleased we have done the same for you, long may it continue.

Sending warm crafty hugs.

B x

Unknown said...

Come Back!!!! We just 'met' lol Life is too short to worry about what others think....unless of course they are perfectly lovely thoughts....which I think about you! xoxo

Sue said...

Hi Donna, Never be afraid to be you. No one has the right to judge you.

Don't forget to your blogging friends your blog is something to visit and cherish the beautiful projects and get inspiration.

Sending huge hugs

Leslie Miller said...

I hereby bear witness to the fact that your Real Self is a Beautiful Person. Let that person shine!

Pia S said...

Such lovely words, and I can sense they are true and heartfelt. I think this little world made up of blogging crafters is a very nice and inspirational place to be, a place one can escape to, so positive and encouraging...

DeBe said...

You are a lovely, kind, giving person and I hope you understand your worth to the people who know you ( even if only through the Internet and from a different Continent!) Love, Denyse x

Anonymous said...

Donna my dear this brought a lump to my throat, how dare people put you down, it is them with the problem not you, you are everything a friend should be and a warm generous and talented person. Sending you hugs. Love Alison xxx

Linda said...

Dearest Donna, this is such a touching post and thank you so much for feeling comfortable enough to open up and share this. Good, real friends will love you for who you are, not for who they think you "should" be. You are a lovely person and I feel honoured and happy to know you. Sending you much love and many hugs. God bless you.

NanaConnie said...

You are dearly loved, my friend. :-D What a sweet and generous thing to give your friends such lovely recognition by posting on your blog. I'm honored to be included. Hugs.

pam said...

OMW De, you have me crying here!!! how dare people put you down or be horrible to you, you`re one of the nicest blog friends I have meet, always so kind and generous with your comments, you`re words just flow, I never know what to say.
Love the way you pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with life..
Sure all our blog friends agree, they are a lovely bunch of blogger..
Sending love & hugs Pam x

Lori Kobular said...

Donna ~ You are a beautiful person ~ inside and out!! You are always so kind and generous with your comments to all of us in blogland! Please don't ever hide your true self from anyone!!

cotnob said...

Lovely words Donna, obviously straight from the heart. I always enjoy my visits to your blog and you have always been a very welcome and encouraging visitor to my blog. I think on the whole the crafting community is a very close knit group and very supportive of each other - long may we continue to inspire and encourage each other.

CherylQuilts said...

Oh, my dear Donna...what a beautiful and deeply touching post today. I am so delighted that you have been encouraged and felt love and real friendship among your internet friends. And I know that God has done a great thing in bringing us together through the internet. What a blessing to read how He is healing you and revealing to you what a beautiful and wonderful (and extremely talented) woman you are -- just the way you are. We were all made in His image, and it's a joy to see how He uses us to affect others. I praise God for allowing me to find you and for you to be an encouragement to me. Your artistry is amazing, and through it I can see that your heart is warm and wonderful. I am sorry that you are home-bound. I find that I am restricted in many ways myself for health reasons, and it can be discouraging. Health is something we take for granted until we start to lose it. I am so blessed that you've written this heartfelt post, and I am so glad to meet you. Hello, my name is Cheryl...and I am officially giving you a big squooshy hug! xoxo (P. S. And I just love the photo on your blog - you are beautiful!)

Janis said... are such a sweet lady and you are so very loved and treasured for exactly who you are!!

On our blogs, for a number of reasons, we often do not share our deepest sorrows. For myself, I escape to my blog for peace and beauty, even when my heart is in profound pain. It is not that I am trying to reinvent myself or deny reality, it is a conscious choosing of joy over sorrow.

On the rare occasions, however, that I do share a glimpse of my true struggles, I feel an overwhelming network of support from my blogging sisters. I am so grateful for each of them....including you!

Each of us has hidden pain, inner struggles, unfair situations that are not of our making, times of despair, loneliness, and anguish. Yet, the Lord is with us. Our outer body wastes away, but the inward soul is renewed each day. One of the ways He tenderly cares for us is through the love and encouragement of our blogging sisters. What a merciful Lord He is!!!

Blessings and hugs to you, dear Donna! You are loved.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Verna Angerhofer said...

God bless you! You are always so helpful and kind to all and I know I have certainly been blessed by your friendship. I think I am so very grateful as well for all the internet friends I have obtained. Like you I have issues with self esteem and also deal with some physical maladies but I have been able to reach out to others and find friendship and comfort from them. You are one of my greatest blessings. I wish you much happiness and I hope you let your light shine on and on. It has certainly been a beam of sunshine for me.

McCrafty's Cards said...

This is a deeply touching post Donna, and trust me when I say I can understand your feelings, no one has the right to make you feel ugly, you are a beautiful person, that truly cares for others and you are truly loved by your friends, we may be 1000's of miles apart and may never meet in the real world but we are all in it together in our crafty cyber world. so stay strong and true and remember we all love you
Kevin xx

Amy Cohen said...

Hello Donna- I am a new follower...I found you while commenting for a DT I am on...I wish you peace and happiness. Crafters are truly the most wonderful and kind-hearted type of person. We are a family, of sorts. I thank you for sharing your beautiful creative works and splendid pictures too. From Arizona to Florida- with love.
Amy Cohen

Lisa said...

This is such a beautiful and moving post, Donna!! I hope you never have to hide your true self again. You are an amazing, sweet, kind, talented, wonderful friend and I'm so very thankful that I got to meet you in blogland. I wish for you love and happiness every single day. You have touched lives and I know I am better for knowing you. Big hugs dear friend!! Sending lots of love your way and keeping you in my prayers always :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Jean Bullock said...

I have always thought your "real self"was exceptionally beautiful. Hugs!

Linda Vich said...

Donna, this was a lovely and heartfelt post. I'm so sorry you've been hurt. You are always so sweet and encouraging—I don't know how anyone could take exception to that. Forget the people that make you feel bad—they aren't worth knowing. I'm happy to call you a friend, Donna! Please let your true self shine through—you're beautiful!

Sue from Oregon said...

Don't let anyone get you down girl-you are the kindest, sweetest crafter girl I know!

Silvis Kreativstube said...

Hallo meine liebe Freundin Donna,
deine warmen Worte gehen wieder einmal direkt ins Herz.
Du bist so ein liebenswerter Mensch und obwohl wir tausende Kilometer entfernt voneinander sind eine wundervolle Freundin geworden für mich. Trotz unserer Sprachprobleme tauschen wir uns regelmäßig aus. Keiner hat das Recht dir deine Persönlichkeit zu nehmen. Du darfst immer du selbst sein.
Ich weiß ganz genau wie es sich anfühlt wenn man beschimpft wird und einem das eigene ich genommen werden soll. Viele Jahre habe ich das erlebt.
Ich kann es manchmal nicht fassen wieviele liebe Freunde ich im Internet gefunden habe. Das hätte ich nie für möglich gehalten. Das ist so wertvoll für mich und ich bin sehr glücklich dich gefunden zu haben.
Du hast einen ganz festen Platz in meinem Herzen und ich danke dir für deine Freundschaft.
Auch ich bin mehr oder weniger an zu Hause gebunden und weiß wie wertvoll Freunde sind.
Ich schicke dir ganz herzliche Knuddelgrüße big Hugs Silvi

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is so beautiful Donna. You are a beautiful person inside and out. You are one of the lovely people that are helping me at the moment getting through life. You should be pleased with your gorgeous artwork too. You are very talented sweetheart.

Petra Swart said...

Oh, Donna, your words touched my heart, my friend!!!! To me you are such a wonderful person and a very special friend and I think of you often and wish we could meet for a cup of tea!!!! Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle and make you believe that you're not good enough!!! God has made you perfect and wants your inner beauty to shine - every day, and to forget about what others think and say!!!! Don't be afraid to be true to yourself, my friend!!!! Thinking of you, sweet Donna, and knowing that God will be there right at your side on this path of healing you're on!!!
Keep well, my friend and big Hugz!!!!

Desire Fourie said...

That is what friends are there for and in crafting circles its all about caring and sharing which you are such an awesome example off.
Lots of friendly hugs
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Sue said...

Oh Donna, another moving post. Funny how we can be our own worst enemies. The thoughts that run through our heads. Are we ever "good" enough in our own eyes? We don't judge others half as harshly as we do ourselves. Is that a woman thing?

I know first hand of your kindness, compassion and your inner beauty. Your giving nature is in every word of every post.

Know that we all suffer insecurities, judge ourselves harsher than we do others, and care deeply.

So glad that you are realizing what a wonderful person you are to others.
Go ahead and give yourself permission to be that same wonderful person to yourself.

Luv ya girl (but you knew that!)

{{{Big Hug}}}

Becky said...

Miss Donna, you are one of the sweetest people I know. Don't let anyone tell you different. I love two posts I recently saw..."Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." and "Ah, kindness. What a simple way to tell another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world." I hope I am kind to everyone I meet, for I, too, have struggles, and I know how much kindness means to me. Love ya, girl, and happy to be your friend.

Conniecrafter said...

I am glad that you feel you can be yourself and feel the love you deserve! You are a great part of our design group and glad that I was able to meet you through that group.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

HI Donna, I think you are a beautiful and talented lady with a kind soul. I'm not sure why anyone would think differently. Big Hugs, Shirley xx

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Donna what a beautiful person you are both inside and out, this post is full of love and friendship a wonderful accolade to both you and your friends, I find it difficult at times to express my feelings but you are such a genuine, supportive person it is such a pleasure to know you and be one of your 'cyber' friends, take care
lorraine x

Patricia St Martin said...

Donna, You are the best, you have touched my heart with your goodness. I'm so glad that we have become friends. Knowing you has brighten my world as well but I'm glad that we can be part of your world also. Love all the wonderful things you share with us. People that judge other people do not belong here and realizing you are the most important one because you bring goodness to your friends and the world around you. Remember we are all here for YOU and will always be here so if you ever need to talk just call or email all info is on my blog.
hugs Pat

Anonymous said...

Donna, what a lovely post. You are a lovely lady and your kind words in your emails and messages always brighten my day. I have learned this month to that if people want to critize and say unkind things let them. They don't know you, about you or your life. You don't need these people in your life, the world would be so much better. So as you said to me just be you, let your heart be happy. do the things you love to do. You don't need to hide away you have such a big and beautiful soul.

Love and hugs Erin xx

Birgit said...

What a great post, that could speak to any one of us! I too, have many insecurities and am always seeking the approval of others. I have to remind myself that my worth doesn't come from what others think. I am a child of God, forgiven and greatly loved. We are all special because He formed us. Life hands us struggles every day, it's up to us to decide how we're going to respond to those challenges. I always said to my kids growing up and still do today even though they're grown, married and on their own, "Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do". Be kind. Be thoughtful of others. Smile and greet someone you don't know. Be quick to forgive and over look offenses of others. We're not without our own offenses. The one I struggle with the most is learning to forgive myself. We are all worth more than gold in God's eyes. If we only believed that and treated others the same way. Anyway Donna, I don't know what you're circumstances have been, but I think you are kind and thoughtful and as sweet as can be. You are so creatively gifted and gifted in so many other ways as well. I thank you for your friendship and extending your kindness to someone you've never met before. You are a gift and I count myself blessed to call you my friend. Sending (hugs)~

p.s. I use Scrapbook Adhesive for my intricate dies. ;0) Thanks for your sweet comment left on my blog.

Barb Harmon said...


What a beautiful post. I feel honored to have received it. You are so generous and talented. I know you struggle with your health and yet you are always there for others. I hope your down days are few and your up days are many. Barb

Maryvonne Coussé said...

WOW Donna.
, I translate your post "in my mother tongue " French ,
Donna , for well understand everything, and I have tears in my eyes .
You are a extraordinary and wonderful LADY
, and Believe in yourself ,more , Donna, and continue to provide the richness of your friendship and your talent.
it will be our pleasure Donna.
Warm Hugs
Take care

*Vicki* said...

AWE!!! What a precious post here Donna!! I absolutely LOVE how YOU are and I think you're a creative and caring person!! I fully enjoy your posts, creations and of course your super kind words to my blog as well!! It is the kindness of others and the support of others that we can truly be comfortable with who we are! You and I are not so different my friend!! :) It's really hard to "put yourself out there" and then keep doing it especially after so many years to keep doing it, but please continue to do what you love doing no matter what type of criticism you may come across. Being yourself and loving yourself for who you are, are extremely the most important thing of all!! :) Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for sharing your wonderful works of heart art my friend! :) HUGS TO YOU!!

Diane said...

Darn it Donna, I wish I could give you a BIG HUG, I have to admit sometimes when I get a bit 'snarky in my moods' I come here to read your posts as they are always uplifting and put me back on the right track..I sometimes take things out on the people I love the most when it is really me being sometimes I just take a deep breath and go on, but I can so relate to you and I think you are a fabulous person though I know we have just 'met" recently...but I do love your posts and am sure if I knew you in person we would get along famously as I am pretty laid back (ask Dar...she comes to stay with me a couple times a year and we have a ball (and she even likes my anyhow a beautiful post from a beautiful person...thanks for that...oh...and I LOVED seeing your home, plants and fur babies (I know I already told you that, but had to tell you again, plus I am am old and I can repeat myself if I want to..LOL) your gorgeous work, too!!

SewPaperPaint said...

Sweet friend Donna, my heart melted at your list of inspiring friends. What an honor to be a friend of yours! I cannot pretend to know how you feel or what struggles you face, but I do know that One cares more deeply than we can imagine and He says - you are precious, you are chosen, you are called out, you are sacred, and you are HIS! Never let the deceiver and accuser convince you otherwise. We are all given various gifts to use for God's glory. You are definitely gifted with a compassionate and encouraging spirit, let alone how your creativity is such a joy for others! Big hugs to you today, Autumn

Darlene said...

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! You just tell me WHO was nasty enough to make such a sweet person as yourself feel unworthy and I will personally go BEAT THEM UP!!! Seriously ... that's terrible for anyone to make another person feel like they can't be themselves! Uugh ... I'm a peace loving person but when someone oversteps their boundaries I can be a 'spit fire'!
We are 'new' friends but you have done everything in your power to help me, support me and your creations are inspiration beyond belief to say the least! Over the past few years I have learned that I don't have time in my life for those who are negative & nasty! So surround myself with people LIKE YOU who lift me up and make my day a better day just by knowing them! You just KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DO because it's all good in my book! Diane is right ... I love her cooking and enjoy visiting with her a couple times a year. OMG how fun would it be if we could ALL (your list) get together and play! That would be a hoot!! Beautiful post MY FRIEND ... you hang in there and keep being YOU! HUGS from OHIO

crafty-stamper said...

Hi Donna I cannot believe you were made to feel this way-I think you are a ver kind hearted soul,very caring and very talented-and I feel privileged to be counted amonst your friends -ignore the negative hard to do I know and carry on just being you and creating -we are all here for you and support you:)
Carol x

Janice said...

So sorry to read this Donna. We have only just met, but I can already see that you are a very talented crafter with a kind heart.
Please don't let whoever has made you feel this way, get you down.
Janice x

Mieke Duckers said...

First of all, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Reading yours, I wish for you many friends, loving family and a good health!
Hugs, Mieke

Mervi said...

Hi Donna, lovely words. I've met a lot of crafters behind the blogs - and what a fabulous people they are, all sharing the same passion. We all have our difficulties in our lives, but crafting/blogging is the great place to escape. Thank you so much for sharing this.
With love;-))m

aussie aNNie said...

De I don't think you know just how special you are, you are a kind hearted and loving person and although due to DT commitments I don't always have time to visit but I do try. Please keep in touch also as I see you don't have my new blog listed...just click on my link below.xxxlove ya....  {aNNie}