My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

Friday, April 22, 2016

Early Morning Share + Freebie

Hello sweet blogging friends!

Sharing an early Spring Morning here in Central Rural Florida.
Shaky Hands = Shaky Photography
but hopefully you can enjoy the beauty.

The Sun - Welcoming the Morning:

Our oldest fur child watching his Daddy at work in the garden, apparently not wanting to have his photo taken so early in the morning, and running to voice his greeting LOL

The Common Name of the below spindly bush is "Dogwood Bush".
I love how the petals cradle the pollen.
Does anyone know it by another name?

A different shot of the cool morning and Dogwood Bush:

The sky is already glorious in her blue dress, despite the early hour,
and the caladiums are coming up already!
The pollen-laden "squigglies" on the oaks are finally depleted, and the leaves now emerge.

Missy keeping me company:

More emerging caladiums:

Thanks for strolling with me this morning.
And now for some freebies.


(not sure who originally said this)

These are for personal use. They may not be used by companies or for profit:

It is the same sentiment - two styles (one centered, one uncentered)
They are available in png and jpg.
To download, click on the sentiment first to enlarge it, then download to your hard-drive.

Hope you enjoy!





Thanks for sharing my Spring Morning,


KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous photo's and flowers Donna.

Gr Karin

Maryvonne Coussé said...

Gorgeous photos!
In France this doogwood is called " seringa "

Paula said...

Dear Donna, thanks you so much for posting those beautiful pictures and the narrative you gave made me feel like I was right there! Your garden is beautiful, as are you!

Linda said...

Really beautiful photos, Donna!

brenda said...

Glorious flowers and photos Donna, Nature never fails to amaze me. According to my in house botanist (good to know he remembers some of what he learnt at Unit) Dogwood is a member of the Cornaceae family and there is one Called Florida Cornus, wonder if that's your one or am I trying to make like seem simple ?

Have a lovely weekend in your beautiful garden.

B x

Leslie Miller said...

Ohhhh, what a lovely home you have, Donna, and I'm delighted that you shared these wonderful photos! I'm enchanted! Many times I've wished I could share the symphony of birdsong outside my doors. Isn't it just the most relaxing and sweet sound? Your house looks cool and hurricane resistant. Love the gorgeous sunset, the flowers, your beautiful fur baby -- everything! You are so good to share the beautifully scripted sentiments, too. Wally and LuLu are going to pay a visit tomorrow. It's been a while and they'd like to say "hello". Have a good day!

Becky said...

Thanks for the early morning stroll. Pearl and Harriet agreed with me that it is gorgeous there. So peaceful. Thanks for sharing.

coldwaters2 said...

Beautiful photos Donna your house and garden look amazing, thank you so much for sharing
lorraine x

Sue said...

Hi Donna, What a beautiful home you have. I've spent today with my friend and her German Shepherd.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Sue

SD pooja said...

Beautiful photos ! Can feel the cool fresh morning air...much needed in the scorching summer heat in my place :)

SD pooja said...

Beautiful photos ! Can feel the cool fresh morning air...much needed in the scorching summer heat in my place :)

Lori Kobular said...

Wow Donna!! Your plants look awesome and you have such a beautiful home!! Love all your pretty flowers! Thanks for the wonderful sentiment!!

Sharon said...

I love your gorgeous garden Donna with the beautiful flowers and of course your adorable fur baby. I really wish I loved gardening but I'm afraid I am useless in the garden.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Hugs Sharon. x

Lisa said...

What a gorgeous home you have, Donna!! All of the flowers and plants look amazing!! Your fur babies are so sweet!! Thank you for taking us on a tour of your beautiful space!! I have Dogwood trees in my yard and they look similar to yours, but the petals are different. I went and took a picture but realized I can't send a picture with my comment!! Oh well...I tried!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Verna Angerhofer said...

What a beautiful view you have of all those gorgeous flowers and yard decor. I am afraid I am no longer doing much in the line of flowers except on paper. But I sure enjoyed looking at yours and they would certainly be an inspiration to make pretty ones on cards as well. Take care and have a great weekend.

CherylQuilts said...

Oh, what a beautiful home, Donna, and the skies here in Florida sure are gorgeous, aren't they? We are so blessed. I loved seeing the video of your background, and what beautiful flowers you have. And thank you for the wonderful digi files! It's such a delight to enjoy the beauty God has created for us to love and tend! Hugs!

newbie85 said...

What a BEAUTIFUL home and flowers, Donna!!!! I love the morning picture-its GORGEOUS!!! And thank you soooooo very much for the sentiments!!!!

pam said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers and home Donna, lovely to hear bird songs in the morning..
Thank you for the sentiments, you are so kind.
Pam x

Janis said...

I am so blessed this day by the beautiful photos and lovely sentiment. Your home and garden are fabulous and your furbabies are so precious. Thank you for this gracious post....a true outgrowth of yourself. Hugs to you.
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos, what a glorious sunrise! Loving all of your on the Cape I typically don't plant til Memorial Day....but I did sneak some Pansies in the window boxes last week....shhhh Sweet fur babies! Thanks so much for sharing your view, it's beautiful!

crafty-stamper said...

Fabulous house and garden and love the sunrise -thank you for the freebies too
Carol x

McCrafty's Cards said...

Beautiful pictures Donna, I love your cat, thank you for the lovely sentiment
Kevin xx

Abfabdesigns said...

Beautiful flowers Donna ,your big fur baby is a beauty .
You would make a good tour guide Donna ,job well done
Take care xxxx

Petra Swart said...

Oh, what a lovely little look into your world, Donna!!! Such wonderful photo's and I do love your furry friends!!!! You live in a beautiful place!!!! TFS!!!
Have a great weekend, my friend!!!

Silvis Kreativstube said...

Hallo liebe Donna,

vielen herzlichen Dank für diese wundervollen Fotos. Dein Haus und der Garten sind traumhaft schön. Eine absolute Wohlfühloase für euch und auch für die beiden Tiere. Ich liebe solche wundervollen Aufnahmen der Natur. Ich bin ganz begeistert von der Blütenpracht.
Vielen Dank für die tollen Freebies. Ich finde diesen Spruch sehr schön und er ist so wahr. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende. Ganz liebe Knuddelgrüße Hugs Silvi

KraftyKoolKat said...

Such gorgeous photos sweetie. Beautiful flowers and home you have.
Thank you for the lovely free sentiments.

Pamellia said...

Wow Donna, I am on my way to live with you!!! What a picture perfect home you have, surrounded by foliage, flowers and not a highrise in sight! So beautiful!! Love that sunrise pic too, what a glorious view!! Thanks for sharing, I just love getting a glimpse into your world! hugs :)

Janice said...

You have a beautiful home and garden Donna, thank you for sharing your photos.
Janice x

cotnob said...

Fabulous photographs Donna, your garden looks wonderful, it looks like a super start to the day.
Have a lovely weekend.

NanaConnie said...

WOW, what gorgeous photos, my friend! I wish my yard was looking that colorful. :-D

Patricia St Martin said...

You have a lovely home, beautiful yard, wonderful trees. Spring is so amazing with all the new birth. Most thing here have a little green coming out. Thanks so much for letting us take a walk with you. Have a wonderful day.
Hugs Pat

Stampsnob. said...

Feeling blessed to have the good fortune to live here.............Lis

Beebeebabs said...

Such beautiful photo love the flowers thanks for sharing!!!

maria's knutselplezier said...

Happy Spring to you to dear Donna,your invirement looks so beautiful and piecefull, you are a very person to live in Florida in such a beautiful place, Here I live in a city with a small garden, it looks as if you live in the garden of Eden!! Enjoy !! Thanks for sharing this beauty!!!

Greetings from small Belgium!!

Diane said...

Beautiful photos Donna, loved seeing your lovely home and fur babies, too!!It's too early for pots of flowers here, so it was like a breath of fresh air seeing all of yours! Thanks for sharing with us an dam looking forward to seeing more!!

Ann Greenspan's Crafts said...

Donna, your property looks so large, private and secluded..........and a beautiful house to top it off. I love how you set up your blog with all the moving parts in the sidebar. You are so talented!

Shona Erlenborn said...

So pretty Donna - thanks for sharing your morning stroll!

Anonymous said...

Donna can I come and live with you please. Gorgeous Garden and wonderful plants and of course that stunning sunshine. Thank you for sharing your morning walk with us. Love Alison xxx

CraftyPaws said...

Great pics! Your German Shephard is gorgeous and all the pics are fab! TFS Hugs, Kristina

Karen said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures and sentiment, my dear friend. You are indeed surrounded by beauty... much like you share in our lives just by being in it. :o) I hope you're having a beautifully blessed weekend, Donna!

Hugs and blessings,

Conniecrafter said...

Don't you just love spring, everything new again!! There is something so special about sunrises and sets, so peaceful and lovely! Your furbabies are too cute!

Tanvi said...

Beautiful pictures! My fav is the brilliantly captured morning!

Pia S said...

Beautiful photos!

Karenladd said...

If your photography was shaky I can't see it at all! These are gloriously beautiful and your home is just gorgeous as well. Love the shots of your furry babies keeping you company and enjoying the beautiful spring day. I am not a morning person so this photo of the dawn is the closest I ever get to seeing such an impressive display!! Thanks for sharing all this beauty with us.

Jean Bullock said...

Loved the photos. Beautiful!

Sue said...

What a gorgeous early morning sky! Love your German Shepherd, beautiful. Had one growing up, he was an Angel, loved that dog. His name was Major, and my Grandma came every Wednesday and stayed the night with us and she always called him Sargent!! Beautiful yard and gardens. Flowers are so pretty, it will be a good month, month and a half before we see our flowers looking that nice here in the North. Also had an all black cat when our daughter was little, and now she and her family have one. Nice picture, thanks for sharing.


Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Donna, I thought I had left a comment on this post, but don't see it. So glad I'm came back as I also missed the video. Your home and property look gorgeous, a piece of heaven on earth and your fur family members look very sweet. Enjoy having nature around you, I miss it having lots of trees around. Take good care & hugs, Shirleyxx

*Vicki* said...

Absolutely stunning photos Donna!! I love the sky especially!! :) Thanks so much for sharing!

SewPaperPaint said...

What a beautiful view from your end. I'd say being at home all the time in a gorgeous retreat and perfectly kept "palace" like yours might be more of a blessing than you realize. The lot is amazing and the house is beautifully constructed! WOW! A dream home to me!!! Every day we must find and purpose what we are thankful for and I think you have a lot of that, easily within reach. Be blessed, sweet girl. Hugs, Autumn

Desire Fourie said...

Donna you live in such breathtaking surroundings and I love your home. Thank you for the sentiment, just love it. Thank you for caring and sharing xxx
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Brenda said...

Just beautiful - miss the colorful Florida flowers - although the blooming cacti are awesome... Hugs