My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

How to Make a Permalink

Are you on a design team that asks for permalinks?

Or do you work for a company who needs your permalinks BEFORE YOUR POST IS PUBISHED so they can refer customers to your blog on a scheduled date?

This is for you:

  Permalinks SEEM to be difficult at times.

If you follow these steps, your permalinks will always be correct, even when a month or year changes. Click on the photos below to enlarge if you want to.

Permalinks are the URL addresses that will be active in the future.
They are NOT the same thing as your blog's home address.

A Permalink allows visitors to go directly to your blog POST from a host blog.
Whenever a permalink is required BEFORE YOUR POST IS ACTUALLY PUBLISHED, this is how to obtain one.
These are the steps for obtaining your permalink in a Blogger blog.

Go to your Blogger draft.

On the draft-side (aka "back side") of your blog, click on CREATE NEW POST.
Create a title that says something like BEAUTIFUL BLOSSOMS CHALLENGE (or whatever you want the title to be).

On the right side bar opposite the post title, You will see a cloud (the cloud will be check-marked if the post has been auto saved). To the right of the cloud, is a pull down option with the word PREVIEW. To the right of it, is your PUBLISH option, as shown below (please click to enlarge).

Below the PREVIEW/PUBLISH/UPDATE options, is a phrase called POST SETTINGS.
Beneath it are:
Published on

to obtain a permalink:

1. In PUBLISHED ON, click the down arrow.  Click on the circle with SET DATE AND TIME. (Use the little calendar to select the desired date. Click on the time above the Green/teal date to use the pull down menu for the exact minute and hour:

2a) Click on the PUBLISH orange option at top (above post settings). AFTER PUBLISHING, (your post will not publish until the future date you chose). The options change as shown below:

2b) Click PERMALINK. (under Post Settings):

3) The Permalink is visible in gray. It is NOT ACTIVE. This means you cannot click on it and have it take you somewhere. Notice in the photo that the permalink contains a date. The date contains the year and month that the post is ultimately going to be published. If the Permalink does NOT show the correct month and year (that is, the date you WANT your post to "go live"), go back to the OPTION PUBLISHED ON and insert the correct month/day in the calendar, and click on UPDATE (top right orange). Then come back to the Permalink option, making sure the correct month is shown. You may have to refresh your page.

4) Using Copy-and-Paste technique copy your link as shown below:

5) You have now copied your permalink.

6) You may now share your permalink - either by Email (PASTING the copied link into the body of your email post), or paste the link into a text message, instant message, FB group comment, or using any other application. 

7a) MAKING SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT PERMALINK. Incorrect permalinks are usually the result of having the wrong publish date in the link itself, OR, not copying the permalink completely before pasting it elsewhere.

7b) Example: If we are in May, and your blog post is created in May, but will not be published until July, be sure to hit PUBLISH before you copy your Permalink.  In the Permalink field the numbers 07/2022 should appear (not 05/2022). The default setting is for the current month. This is why it is imperative that you SCHEDULE the date in the PUBLISHED ON section, and THEN hit the orange PUBLISH/UPDATE button on right BEFORE copying your permalink.


Hope this helps!

January 27, 2023


Aimeslee Winans said...

PERFECT! Thank you! I additionally paste the copied permalink into an email to myself. This is so if I do screw it up somehow after submitting the link with my DT photo, I can then go in and paste the correct link, but so far I have not had to do that because I do not touch the title, like you told me originally. My email to myself is just a backup cushion to help me feel better. Thanks for the post, I've copied it as well! xoxo

Donna Ellis said...

Glad the information was helpful, Aimes!

Kathy said...

Donna I wish I had read this, I finally did just that and solved the problem...but until then someone had been fixing it for me. I was so appreciate when she let me know, so thank you for helping others. Smiles, Kathy