Today I'd like to share two things with you, my sweet blogging friends. Since I am home-bound, it gives you an idea of "my little" life in this tiny corner of the world.
May I invite you into my modest craft room? It is barely 12x13 feet, and where I spend much of my time.
Recently Jacky surprised me with a craft room redo. It's nice to play in a fresh new place which is far more organized. (Many thanks to my Facebook friends who made great suggestions!)
Before and After photos are here.
While some new furniture was purchased, we recycled some furniture, too, trying to keep costs as inexpensively as possible.
Also today I'm sharing something called AFRICAN MARIGOLDS.
Ever heard of them? I had not.
Most of the photos were taken
with the camera held above my head.
Previously, I'd only seen Marigolds that were 6-8 inches tall.
Their foliage is really beautiful - fern-like in appearance.
Having quite a green thumb,
it is with shame I hang my head -
growing marigolds has always produced disastrous results for me.
I received some freebie seeds in the mail and scattered the seeds here and there in pots without even bothering to cover them up.
After all, Marigolds don't grow for me.
This marigold pack apparently contained 4 varieties of African Marigolds.
African Marigolds typically grow to 18-24 inches tall.
My friends will attest that for some reason,
these giants grew to 3-5 feet tall!
Their stalks are super thick, as big around as my fingers!
There is a 100% germination rate.
If only I had kept the seed envelope so I could purchase them next year.
(with pot, these are 6-7 feet tall)
Does anyone from HOT HUMID AREAS know of a great brand to purchase in the future?
These grew in EVERY POT I scattered them in.
Thanks for sharing my "little world".
Just love the cheerful yellow marigolds. Yes we have them here in South Africa. From the the little view of your home in one of the photos you have a beautiful home.
Hugs DesÃre {Doing Life}
Gorgeous - love the container too :)
Your marigolds are gorgeous. I always liked that flower a lot, but mine are the mini type. I should take photos of my flowers as the rains have surely made them gorgeous this year.
Donna, As the flower heads die back, and the seeds begin to dry, pluck the heads off the stems and put them in a paper bag, then plant those next year.
I do love the craft room make over! I've never gotten mine totally organized so no photos will be shared. Yours is simply magnificent and I do envy you all that work space in such a small space. Good for you, my friend. :-D
Hello Donna,
Bad, bad blogger here but trying so hard to get back into the groove a little. I so appreciate you kind comments and visits and hope my little blog explanation Saturday at lease allowed everyone to understand the reason behind my go slow.
Your Marigolds are a delight but afraid our climate is far from warm or humid, totally the opposite sadly although I can well remember yours from our visits to Florida.
Take care my friend and hope it's not too long till my next visit.
B x
The "flowerus gigantus" (totally made up word LOL) are so pretty. I don't garden, I have too many fears and phobias of creepy crawly things, but enjoy looking at others endeavors.
Donna, your hubby is spoiling you rotten....what a darling he is. I love your new craft room and the earthy color. I love organizing things and I'm sure you do, too.
About the marigolds, they are gorgeous. I don't think I've heard of African Marigolds, though. I had such a time with my marigolds mildewing in the humidity, I just had to quit planting them. They would be in beds and the lawn sprinkler would hit them. In pots is a much better idea for me.
that looks all fabulous and such bright flowers Donna it's gorgous.
gr karin
I had some of those this year. I didn't know what they were. I told my husband to get some marigold seeds to grow for our chickens, and when they grew they were huge. I had never seen any large ones. Now I know what they are. We saved some of the flowers and dried them out to plant next year. I guess you can plant them that way. My chickens weren't impressed.
Hi Donna, your flowers look so beautiful I love the bright and cheerful colours, enjoy your newly decorated craft room!
Kevin xx
Nope, don't know this variety, only the kind grown here in SC. Just a thought: could you gather seeds from the plant pods???(I've NOT a green thumb). TFS the brilliant sunshine pictures - it was such a nice visit to my old state this morning. Off to see your craft room redo photos. Hugs
Donna I know excatly how you feel with a craft room re do. I too had a room red o into a craft room and my productivity craft wise has actually tripled now as I dont have to search for everything all the time. The marigolds look stunning.
Dr Sonia
Your marigolds are beautiful Donna, it sounds like you need to find some more of these for the future!
Your Craft Room looks wonderful, I hope you have fun creating in it.
Love the marigolds have not heard of the African ones but I am sure I have seen similar...just gorgeous De...lovely to see the flowers in bloom. take care and enjoy your new craft room when
The Journey is the Start
First of all a bit late but Happy 4th of July Donna! I hope you are having a good day. Must say I love the pics of the African Marigolds, Graham used to grow these for bedding plants when he was a humble gardener at one of our local hospitals. We still have them in our garden even now - they are such a sunny colour! They look lovely.
Bigs hugs to you both Sue Pxxx
Holy cow! I've never seen Marigolds so tall! They're supposed to help keep flying insects away from your garden, but I'll tell you, the slugs and snails sure love them here. I visited your new craft room, too. Color me green!
Hi Donna, in South Africa marigolds are very popular in our gardens. They keep all the bugs away from our roses. We usually sow the miniature ones in our garden beds, they are so hardy and needs little water - a big plus for our dry country. I love your craft room - absolutely gorgeous!
Gorgeous! I sure wish I had just a little bit of your green thumb!
Awesome marigolds! I don't think I've ever seen any prettier! But then I never had much luck with marigolds.
Your flowers are lovely! I took a peek at your craft room and it looks lovely. bookmarked it so I can come back later when I have more time to get a better look. It looks as though you have some great organizing ideas...(hoping they can inspire and help me get more
Donna, you will find African Marigolds all over SA!!! I've had them in my garden when we were still in Cape Town, but not nearly the size they have grown in your garden!!! They are beautiful and over here they bear a lot of flowers on one plant. Many people see them as weeds, but people also use them to keep bugs away, as they do not have a very pleasant smell. Seeds for them are widely available here. Such a pity I won't be able to send you some seeds from here - know all the terrible rules and regulations in connection with taking seeds and plants from one country to the other!! I would have loved to send you some seeds!!! (...maybe we can make a plan!!! LOL!!!!)
Awesome marigolds Donna, love all the pictures.
Hugs Diane
Wow Donna, what a lovelypiece of gardon do you show us, I really love your pretty flowers!!!
Greetiung and have a lovely weekend, injoy!!!!
Hello, just happened across your blog. These are huge marigolds. I had no idea they grew that tall. wow!
Have a good day. Thanks for sharing!
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