My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Favorite 5 Creations of 2013

Happy New Year! We made it! 

The Very Talented Debby of "A Scrapjourney"  is challenging everyone to post 5 of their favorite 2013 cards and share them, linking back to her place, sharing a prize. 

My blog candy is shown below. You do not have to be follower to win my blog candy, 
but of course, I love it if you are!

My favorites were chosen by the techniques involved:

Lovely Twisted Easel Wreath (Copics, rolled flowers and Vellum)

Snow One Like You (Embossing Powder backgrounds, stamped and painted on Glitter)

Winged Sisters in Teal and Fuchsia (Copics, opaque EP distressing)

Charlotte with Butterfly (Copics, Lace and Mulberry Paper)

Asian Birds (Embossing Powders and Stained seam binding)

Now it's time to share your favorites, too!

Thanks for your inspiration and heartening encouragement throughout the year! 

At the end of this month will select a winner for my Blog Candy from the comments left below (and/or from emails sent by email followers).

New Year Hugs,


KT Fit Kitty said...

These are absolutely beautiful, Donna. Just stunning actually - I love all of them and I can see why they are your favourites. I'm really taken by the last one - just love the bold colours. A wonderful year of creations! And I see you are awarding candy - and it all looks very delicious! You didn't mention posting a pic, but if you'd like me to do that, please let me know and I'd be happy to. Happy New Year, my friend! And thank you for all your support and sweet comments left on my blog - they really mean a lot.

SD pooja said...

Lovely cards...I missed few of them and I liked the second one most of them :)

UTs Hobby Time said...

Beautiful set of cards. I especially love the first one. Awesome use of dies.

ShersL84bed said...

Beautiful cards Donna. My favorite is the snow one like you. Love all the glitter and shimmer. Going to go look up how you did that now.

Smiles Sher

Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow Donna these are all just amazing and a wonderful showcase of your awesome talent.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Jean Bullock said...

Love these cards, Donna. My favorite is the beautiful Twisted Easel Wreath. Seriously gorgeous!

craftieodmae said...

all of these are absolutely gorgeous!!

Pat K said...

Stunning selection Donna. I'm so glad I found your blog this year. Wishing you all the best in 2014. hugs, Pat K x

pam said...

beautiful selection Donna, I love the colours and design of your first card.
happy new year to you and your family.
hugs pam xx

Karen P said...

OMGEE Donna, these are beyond beautiful - they are exquisite, so very very exquisite! Each one is a master piece in it's own right. I must try harder this year! Happy New Year, I hope it is much better and much healthier for you.
Thank you for the chance to win some gorgeous Candy too - I would really love that twinkly stuff from IC - all mine has gone now xx

Karen P said...
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Karen P said...
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Brenda said...

All are gorgeous - how did you ever narrow it down from all your fabulous creations!!! My favorite is the winged little angel girls and second is Charlotte... love the teal.

Sue said...

Happy New Year Donna.
Thank you for sharing your favourite creations, they really are stunning. Your designs and and attention to detail are wonderful and a real joy to look at.
Thank you for the chance to win such gorgeous candy too, you are so generous.
hugs Sue xx

NanaConnie said...

Fabulously beautiful, Donna. Such fun to go back and review the entire year of creativity, but how difficult to choose only five. :-D I think the twisted easel Christmas wreath is my favorite but I could be swayed for any of the others very easily. :-D

Sharon said...

Firstly I want to apologise for my lack of visits of late. Life has been so hectic but should get easier this year as I have stepped down from two challenge teams. I have loved your comments and will return the favour more often from now.
Your chosen cards are stunning Donna. I can see why they are your love and I honestly couldn't pick a favourite. So many fabulous techniques.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2014.
Hugs Sharon. x

Verna Angerhofer said...

All your cards are absolutely stunning and I so enjoyed it when you shared them with me. Thanks so much. Happy new year to you as well.

McCrafty's Cards said...

Happy New Year Donna, these are all absolutely fabulous!!
Kevin xx

cotnob said...

This is a gorgeous collection of cards Donna, a wonderful selection of techniques and designs.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

Shirley said...

Your cards are all gorgeous of course!!! Thanks for visiting, Dee! I am so behind, as usual lately, but I want to and a very happy healthy New Year wish for you and yours too!

Bernardine Cuttino said...

DE these are breathtaking, stunning and absolutely amazing beauties. I agreed with NC, one of my faves and then again all are my faves. Yes indeed, we made it to 2014
Cyber hugs and blessings throughout this New Year.

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

All five are stunning Donna, I love them all. So much detail and with gorgeous colours. I think the top and bottom ones are my favs. Wishing you all the best in 2014 & looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful work. Hugs, Shirleyx

Shelly Schmidt said...

Dear me- your work is amazing! You have quite the eye for colors and card design too! I always love stopping by! Happy New Year!

Shirley said...

Can't make my mind up which one I like the best Donna so just going to shut my eyes and pick. Oops my finger is still hovering in the air it doesn't want to make a choice. lol - Love them all.

Keep bringing all your gorgeous makes for us in the coming New Year.

I hope 2014 brings you health, wealth and above all true happiness.

Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x

brenda said...

They are all stunning Donna, isn't it so hard choosing, I know it was for me.

As they all highlight different techniques it's difficult to choose a favourite, but if I had to I would lean towards the first purely because it's floral.

Wishing you a wonderful 2014 with improved health.

B x

Shona Erlenborn said...

Each of them is a unique work of art! I somehow missed that last one, which happens to be my favorite. Love the colors you used and the beautiful ribbon.

Donna Maligno said...

You have such a knack for combining adorable and elegant all into one! Great cards, De!

April said...

Donna, all of these are fabulous! Such beautiful details. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!


Stampsnob. said...

Good choices, everyone of those cards is a winner
Wishing you happiness and health.........Lis

Becky said...

Donna, I always love every one of your cards. They are so elegant. I'm in awe of your talent. I aspire to create like you.

Hugs and thanks for sharing...


Planetsusie said...

Superb cards Donna- my favourite is there as well, 'Snow One Like You' this one just gives me the shivers! I absolutely lurve it! Thank you so much for the comments on my blog and yes you can wish me Happy New Year LOL!!! It's only the midnight bit I don't like. You did make me guffaw loudly though! I hope you have a happy and as healthy as possible New Year, you are an excellent blogging friend!

Love and hugs to you Sue Pxxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

Donna your cards are gorgeous you did a great job.

gr karin

Unknown said...

Brilliant selection my friend...have a happy and healthy new 2014. xxxx

Carol Hurlock said...

You picked some beauties for your year in review. It's fun to look back and see what we created the past year and see how we've changed and grown in our craft. I just love all the sparkling in your creations. Your rolled flowers are so pretty and your copic coloring is gorgeous. Happy New Year. I was you creative moments and sparkling ideas a plenty.
Bear Hugs,

Shea said...

Hello, darlin' lady! What a lovely post this is. I remember many of these and it's quite impossible for me to choose a favorite. Your style is second to none and I love the great care and attention to detail you lavish on every single creation. I hope you're doing well, sweetie, and I wish you a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year!! Don't enter me for blog candy, I just wanted to say hi and I've been thinking of you! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Donna, they are all so marvelous. The fourth card seemed new to me, then I remembered that this is the one with difficult to make flower. You know, throw the flower on the floor and run it over with your chair twice. It's time consuming to make it but it looks awesome.
Your top 5 is stunning, although you could add all your cards in that list :)

MaryH said...

It must have been a difficult choice picking 5 favs from your past cards. Each one I would say "Oh this is the best", then I'd see the next one. So much detail & lovely embellishment. I think #1 was my fav until I saw the glammy snowman. Loved all that glitter & sparkle. Again, glad I don't have to really pick a favorite of these because they are all stunning!!! Happy New Year, hope it is a healthy & happy one for you & yours; TFS & hugs - oh yes, some nice candy too!

Benzi said...

You're so creative and make such beautiful cards. I wouldn't know how to choose from your cards as they are all so gorgeous and your photography is super. I do have to mention that sparkly snowman as snowmen as favorites of mine.

Leslie Miller said...

More! I want more! How in the world did you ever narrow it down to five? I remember being awed by every one of these cards, along with many more. I remember some butterflies, a snowman card, and those cute cars. . . the list goes on and on. I have so enjoyed every moment I've spent here. I know I'm going to see something special when I visit. Thank you for sharing such wonderful works of your heart!

Kat W said...

I really don't know how you picked just 5 but each and every one you chose shows your fabulous style so beautifully. Complete with LOTS of sparkle of course - just how they should be :-D
Happy New Year!
Big hugs, Kat xx

Natasha said...

Some awesome cards sweetie, they are gorgeous. I've just stumbled across your blog from PoP and am very happy that I have, I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful designs. Hugs xnx

Mayras Designs said...

I don't know how you were able to choose only five , all of your creations are stunningly beautiful ! What a fantastic challenge !


Sue said...

Donna, they are all beautiful, but because I am such a sucker for a snowman, I have to go with the frosty snowman. Loved this card when you posted it too.


Sian Ridley said...

Hello there! I hope you an your family had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year :) I don't know how you managed to choose only five cards from the beauties you created last year!!? These are gorgeous cards :)

debby4000 said...

Wonderful selections of cards Donna, they're all fabulous but my fave has to be the stunning first one.
Thank you for joining in with My Favourite Five of 2013.

Anita Scroggins said...

Donna, your cards are beautiful, I love them all! Hope this year is awesome for you!!

Sue from Oregon said...

oh what a wonderful set of lovelies!

Dawn said...

What a stunning selection Donna! I have no idea how you narrowed it down to just five...

nwilliams6 said...

Wonderful creations! All are gorgeous! Very impressive details - I need to add more details to my cards. I am getting some green vellum for sure as I love the leaves on that one card. Thanks for all your inspiration and encouragement! Hugz!

gobarb26 said...

I love all of these, but the wreath is absolutely amazing!

McStamper said...

Your cards are amazing. Love the snowman.

SHartl said...

wow are your cards beautiful! I am always in awe of your technique and wonderful coloring skills! I have to say that my favorite is the wreath too because of all the dimension and the gorgeous colors you chose!

Karenladd said...

Donna, your talent just shines in all of these projects! I love the way you layer elements and work with color to make such beautiful cards! They are all amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the direction to your blog - love your beautiful creations especially the one with the wreath -so exquisite !!!!

barbara macaskill said...

So glad that SNS sent me your way!!!! I am a new follower!
LOVELOVELOVE Snow One Like YOu!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Very sparkaliscious and it is sure to warm the recipient's heart!!! TFS! Your blog candy looks quite delicious indeed! Thank you for the chance to win it!!! See you on your next post!

Jan said...

Oh this is going to be fun and inspirational. Your cards are amazing and you are such a positive person. Thank you De.

NWFlamingo said...

Very pretty stuff. Snow One Like You has got to be my favorite. You truly should be the SNS Poster Child!

Sally Furness said...

I love seeing these cards. Many of the techniques are new to me. Guess I'd better subscribe to your blog.
Keep the great ideas coming.

islandscrapper said...

Beautiful! My favorite of your 5 favorites is the Christmas Wreath. I jumped over to your blog from the Sparkle N Sprinkle Bingo Game. Thanks for telling me about your blog too. Kristie A.

Carmen said...

De these are fabulous I can see why they are your favorite. Love all of the special effects with the glitter and embossing powders I guess I need to start reading more tutorials :)