My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

Thursday, March 10, 2016


With several people mentioning problems viewing comments, I thought this explanation might be helpful. It's a shame about the confusion and changes with Google+ (and if you think you don't need to read it because you are merely using "Blogger ID", check again.  hugs, de


Leslie Miller said...

Yes, it's too bad they made it so complicated!

pam said...

Well Donna, that is all gobbled goop to me!! I know some bloggers are saying their comments have disappeared.. thank goodness think mine is OK.

Thank you for sharing this.
Hugs Pam x

KT Fit Kitty said...

I don't know what it all means. I hope if I take the time to comment that it shows up! How are people finding out their comments are disappearing? I know sometimes mine disappear before I click "publish your comment" and then I have to retype it. Is that what they're talking about?

Donna Ellis said...

No, Kitty - it's not that - it has to do with the actual Circles I think - it's really difficult to comprehend the domino effect + followers contribute to the Blogger ID's comments. I'm emailing this to you, too. Just wanted to put it here in case someone else asks the same thing. I hate when I lose my typed comment before PUBLISH is hit. It usually has to do with that blog's "skin" or it's layout (sometimes from a non-google agent - like those pretty freebie templates available to customize a person's blog). Also, if our individual devices (computer, tablet, phone) don't fully load the entire page before we begin typing, then when it finally finishes loading, it drops our comment and we have to start over - I hate that, too). xo

Patricia St Martin said...

This is a problem and google does not seem to care.

Verna Angerhofer said...

I know when I use the ipad it takes me longer to type a message and lots of time I lose it. So if it is short and sweet then it is probably from my ipad.

craftieodmae said...

I had problems awhile back if you remember, then when I cleaned my computer from cookies to history, it fixed the problem!

Karen said...

Hello, sweet friend! It's such a shame something as beautiful as leaving bloggie love can be so complex. :( I have sporadically encountered problems and it is frustrating. I hope the issues get resolved so it is easier to sprinkle a little sunshine... as it should be. These are blogs! Commenting should not even be a concern. Also, while I'm here, I must thank you for the reply you left on my comment to you. It came at just the right time. You are a sunbeam in my life and I cannot thank you enough for the friendship and encouragement. You are a blessing to me and all who know you. :o) Have a lovely night, dear Donna!

Hugs and blessings,

Lisa said...

Thanks for posting this, Donna. My main problem is that some people comment and I don't get a notice. It shows up if I look at my blog, but I don't do that often. It's frustrating. Have a great evening my friend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Debs cards said...

Hi Donna for posting this but it's all gobbledygook to me when I check my blog I can have 6 comments but then the next time I look there could be only too. It's not Farr when people have tuck the time to leave a comment and I'm not seeing it. I've checked my settings and they are all ok. Any help please but I'm not up on computers xx