My blog is called "Creative Smiles" because my designs are the result of incorporating mistakes. With fumble fingers that drop whatever they are holding - repeatedly, it takes a lot of giggles, smiles and creative patience during my crafting process. xx

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sparkle N Sprinkle's January 1 Reveal

for directions to make this card, please click here.
Happy New Year and Welcome to Sparkle N Sprinkle's January 1 Reveal.


Today, my blogging friends, I made something a little different! 
A flat card which takes only one postage stamp to be mailed!
(what a novel idea!)
(note: while the finished card size is 6" x 8.25", it still works with a single stamp)


We hope you enjoy all the new SNS products in 2014.
Among them are new, less expensive stamp sets, our own line of digital stamps, and an exclusive line of designer papers to match our glitters and embossing powders.

This month we are featuring four fun new stamp sets by artists Michelle Perkett and Beccy Muir (whose design team is also showcasing her new images) 
and EIGHT chances to win

Four chances in our "January 1 Reveal" Contest (details below)
four more chances with the SNS monthly challenge where the monthly theme is always 
"Anything Goes with Glitter, Embossing Powder and/or Flocking."

Four Winners (one for each new stamp set) will be selected by during the Designers Mystery Party. Winners will also get to choose one Glitter and one Embossing Powder to go with their new stamp set.

The Spunky Valentine stamp set is available on line or is included in Jazzy Jill's Technique Video for the month. (Jill's video is here)

 Love Sparkle N Sprinkle's exclusive new hand drawn papers by artist Rita Kraushaar . They are a nice heavy quality paper with fabulously intricate designs and highlights - wonderful to use in decoupage, card making, scrapbook layouts and altered art. They are also value priced at 85¢ per 12x12 sheet.

My little skunky character looks too girly for a name like Spunky. 
Fellow Designer April Williams dubbed her "Scent-a-rella".

She is simply adorned with Copic markers and Teal Velveteen Microfine Glitter.


How the Mystery Party works:

On four of the participating blogs below, a Commenter will be selected to receive the prize. No one knows who the FOUR Mystery Designers are, so you may wish to visit each blog to leave a comment. The winners will be announced on January 3 on Facebook, the SNS blog, and on our blogs:

Each of the four stamp sets are available at 20% off.
Promotion valid through January 3. 
You may also phone the SNS Shoppe to place your orders.

She's a cutie all right!

SNS Products Used:

NEW – Pocket Full of Papers – Turquoise Curly Ribbon 99852
Mediterranean EP417 (sentiment)
CopicMarkers G00, G000, G0000, G28, BG23, R000, R20, RV42
VersaMark 712353310018
CS: Pockets Full of Paper DP, Neenah White, White, Salmon, Bottle Green
LifeStyle Nesting Lacy Hearts (largest and smallest)
Anti Static Bag 99512 (for clean embossing)
Lace, self-stick pearls

Oh boy! This card is in the following awesome challenges:

  1. Challenges4everybody #36 - Anything Goes (1-2)
  2. Sentimental Sundays #187 - Pick Fave Challenge (mine includes three #146 Anything Goes, #142 Lace and Pearls and #141 Love is in the Air. (1-4)
  3. The Squirrel and the Fox #60 - Anything Goes (1-10)
  4. Artistic Inspirations #72 - Anything Goes (1-5)
  5. Crafting from the Heart #3 - Anything Goes (1-5)
  6. Kaboodle Doodles Challenges #204 - Anything Goes (1-4)
  7. The Pink Elephant - #TPE231 Anything Goes (1-3)
  8. Creative Card Crew #52 - Anything Goes (1-12)
  9. Cuttin and Stampin #52 - Something New (1-6) (used new lacy heart die, new stamp images, new teal microfine glitter, new EP color)
  10. Creative Craft Challenges #26 - Anything Goes

Thanks for stopping by today!
Hoping 2014 is kind to you, and brings good things to your families.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Heartfelt Wishes for You

To you
       my dear blogging friends
                during this Season of Love,

I give  
       my sincere self
                and wishes for health
                                                           and peace of soul.

The following is what I give and receive from you during our mutual visits
(by Max Ehrmann)

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. 

As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. 

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 

Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. 

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. 

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. 

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. 

Be cheerful. 

Strive to be happy.

Always warm hugs for you,

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Little Sugar Plum Fairy in each of us!

Wintry Greetings, dear blogging friends,
and new followers Loll, Benzi, Faye, Roxie, Mary H!
We're approaching the end of the year already - Yikes!

Mid Month Reminder for  
Path of Positivity Challenge
(challenge # 9 - Joy)
It's been a Joy guest designing with the great team at PoP this month.

Submissions are accepted to the PoP challenge through January 5.
In case you've not heard of PoP, it's a wonderful challenge blog comprised of "positive" thoughts - regardless of personal belief. All religions, philosophies, and life-sharings are welcome. The intent is to bring some positive "conversation" to share with our cyber buddies!

This month it is all about "Joy" 

The quality of Joy is always desired to help us look forward to new opportunities.
Joy helps me keep a Positive Outlook despite the circumstances.

It is my experience that Joy is the result of Love, Acceptance, Kindness...
(especially toward ourselves because we often put ourselves last)
and I have discovered
Joy affords Peace, Contentment and even Wisdom by helping me shift my attention from the hardship or "negative" aspect, to the silver lining and blessings of Life.

Is Joy helpful in your life?

For the second half of the month, Creative Bug Digitals is the PoP sponsor.

 CBD provided their darling ballerina image. 

She is my Sugar Plum Fairy, 
        and reminds me that 
                 a little "sugar plum fairy" 
                          resides inside all of us

All we have to do is look inside 
delight in that sugared goodness 
enjoy the beautiful 
Dance of Life.


The sponsors and prizes for this challenge are:
  • Ten digital images from Creative Bug Digitals for the person out of the top seven who receives the most votes during voting week.
  • Three digital images from Ike's World for the post or project that the DT deems most inspiring of the bunch.
  • Three digital images from Fresh Brewed Designs, our guest sponsors this month, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all entrants.
  • One digital designer paper from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles for one lucky voter who leaves a comment.
  • One digital sentiment for every single person who enters the challenge from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles as well.
And custom Badges for the Top Seven!

Thanks for stopping by - be sure to play along with the PoP Challenge - all you need is a craft, project or written Life Share which has the theme of JOY - then upload that blog post to their Linky!

Products used:
  • Creative Bug Digitals ballerina
  • SNS Diamond Dust G1116
  • Copic Markers
  • Computer generated sentiment
  • Dies: Spellbinders, Cottage Cutz foliage branches
Fabulous Challenges these cards have been submitted to:
  1. Crafty  Catz Weekly Challenge #211 - Anything Goes (12-19)
  2. Polkadoodles #50 - Anything Goes (12-22 announced 4 days later)
  3. Sister Act #37 - Anything Goes (12-20)
  4. My Heart Pieces Digital Stamps Challenge "Sparkle" - (12-18)
  5. The Stamping Chef - #9 Anything Goes - (12-17)
  6. Corrosive Challenges # 189 Anything Goes - (12-23)
  7. Challenges 4 Everybody - #35 Anything Goes (12-20)
  8. Artistic Inspirations - #72 Anything Goes (1-4)
  9. Crafty Bloggers Network - "Girly" - (12-31)
  10. Love to Create - #96 Anything Goes (12-23)
Chilly December hugs,

Monday, December 09, 2013

Fixing the SEARCH THIS BLOG Gadget in Blogger

Since most of us use Blogger blogs:

BLOGGER'S SEARCH BOX IS BROKEN: The feature in blogger that allows for a SEARCH THIS BLOG option to appear in your "add a gadget" location has been broken since mid November.

Google has not repaired it yet.

If you want people to search your blog, here is a fix:

Remove your current Search gadget.

Go into Layout > Add A Gadget > choose add HTML


then type the following into the code:

IMPORTANT: do not forget to change the words "creativesmiles2" to your blog title (what is in the URL - not what you may have renamed your blog in a banner/header)

For more information, see the Google forum where everyone is complaining about the unresolved issue
and then see this website where a person developed a search widget:

Diane Carlisle's blog contains the widget info if you'd like to stop by and thank her.

Hope this helps!


Monday, December 02, 2013

Path of Positivity and Joy

Greetings, dear blogging friends, and new followers Alanna and Becca!
It's already the last month of 2013!
(how did that happen?)

How nice to be a Guest Designer with the great team at 
Path of Positivity Challenges!
(challenge # 9 - Joy)

In case you've not heard of them, it's a wonderful challenge blog comprised of "positive" thoughts - regardless of personal belief. All religions, philosophies, and life-sharings are welcome. The intent is to bring some positive "conversation" to share with our cyber buddies!

This month it is all about "Joy" 
       - you know - 

                 that deep abiding Contentment within us 

                             which promotes 

                                            Peace and Well-being

For the first half of the month, Fresh Brewed Designs is the PoP sponsor.

 They provided their darling snowman image called "Have a Tweet Christmas".

His Joy is found in "being there" for his friends, in whatever way they need him. 
He is also a great listener! (giggle)

The same sketch was used for both cards. The snowman panel is colored identically. But the cards look very unique, even though they are the same shape!


The sponsors and prizes for this challenge are:
  • Ten digital images from Creative Bug Digitals for the person out of the top seven who receives the most votes during voting week.
  • Three digital images from Ike's World for the post or project that the DT deems most inspiring of the bunch.
  • Three digital images from Fresh Brewed Designs, our guest sponsors this month, for a person chosen in a random draw based on all entrants.
  • One digital designer paper from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles for one lucky voter who leaves a comment.
  • One digital sentiment for every single person who enters the challenge from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles as well.

And custom Badges for the Top Seven!

The brown version has a major boo-boo covered up by the pine branch die cuts. 
taunting with sing-song lilt
I bet you cannot see it, though! (laughing here)

Well, the musical notes and lilt in my voice fit with the "Tweet" and "Joy" themes, right? haha

Love this lace with the sequins and pearls - so girly and "tweet"!

I used Craft-Dee BowZ tool to make the little bow.

Thanks for stopping by - be sure to play along with the PoP Challenge - all you need is a craft, project or written Life Share which has the theme of JOY - then upload that blog post to their Linky!

Products used:

  • Fresh Brewed Designs called "Have a Tweet Christmas"
  • SNS Diamond Dust G1116
  • SNS Sparkle Embossing Powder
  • Copics: scarf B24, B60, B93, B97, snow B000, carrot R02, R05, arms E08
  • Computer generated sentiment
  • Dies: Spellbinders retired ornament, Grand Labels 1, Dec Grand Labels 1, IO pine branch, SU oval punches, Cottage Cutz foliage branches
  • embossing folders, lace, rhinestones, KandCo, Neenah and SU cardstock

Fabulous Challenges these cards have been submitted to:

  1. Craft-Dee BowZ Challenge - Anything With a Bow CDB08 (12-31)
  2. Corrosive Challenges - #188 Happy Holidays (12-7)
  3. 52 Christmas Card Throwdown -  Pick a Previous Theme - (theme challenge #6 Snowmen)(12-5)
  4. Inkspirational Challenges - #44 Anything goes (12-5)
  5. Suzy Bee's Bloomin' Challenge - #5 Anything Goes (12-5)
  6. Jelly Park Challenges - Christmas Challenge - (12-31)
  7. Totally PaperCrafts - #195 Ho, Ho Holidays - (12-5)
  8. ABC Christmas Challenge - X for Out of the Box - No Squares Allowed (shaped with SB Grand Labels One dies) (12-9)
  9. Created With Love Challenges - #69 Christmas - (12-9)
  10. ABC Challenges - A for Almost Christmas - (12-15)

Chilly December hugs,

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Beautiful Geraniums by Sparkle N Sprinkle

Belated Thanksgiving Greetings to all my blogging buddies and new follower Donna K - 

My Blogging Friends top my list of Blessings for which I am very grateful.

This month we are bringing you a pretty new stamp set by 
artist Beccy Muir with FIVE chances to win

the first chance is in our "Beautiful Geraniums" Release Contest
four more chances with the SNS monthly challenge where the monthly theme is always "Anything Goes with Glitter, Embossing Powder and/or Flocking."

The Geranium stamp set is available on line or is included in Jazzy Jill's Technique Video for the month.

The Geranium stamp set, one glitter and one EP will be awarded to one commenter.
To win, just come to our Mystery Designer Party!

How the Mystery Party works:

On one of the participating blogs below, a Commenter will be selected to receive the prize
No one knows who the Mystery Designer is, so you may wish to visit each blog to leave a comment.

The winner will be announced on December 3 on Facebook, the SNS blog, and on our blogs:

The beautiful Geraniums set is available at 20% off 
as part of our December specials. 
Just use the code DEC20 in the COMMENTS SECTION 
when checking out in the SNS on-line store 
to receive these brand new sets at 20% off.
Promotion valid through December 3.(sorry, credit card customers only. Total will be manually adjusted. Or phone the SNS shoppe and ask them to manually adjust the charge on the phone for you).

By now you have guessed that the glitter is in the green frame ( Luau Green Microfine Velvet Glitter )
I stamped directly on the Cloud Nine Microfine Velvet Glitter with Memento Ink, and colored the image with Copic Markers (shown below)
In person it is very sparkly!

Tutorial for how to color on glitter with markers can be found here.
See how glittery it is? (more giggles)

To make this card, just click HERE for complete directions.

A peek inside:

LOVE these pretty geraniums and the Copic Markers on Cloud Nine glitter technique!
Psssst! You can also use regular markers and watercolors on glitter - 
here's the tut for that!


Submitted to the following incredible challenges:

  1. Crafty Hands Challenge - #3 Sparkle and Bling (blingy flourish and 2 glittered surfaces) (12-6)
  2. Sister Act Card Challenge - #35 Anything Goes (12-6)
  3. Paper Crafting Journey - Nov 21 Bling It Up (12-4) (blingy flourish and 2 glittered surfaces)
  4. Crafter's Cafe Challenge - #39 Anything Goes (12-3)
  5. Simon Says - Nov 27 Anything Goes (12-4)
  6. Party Time Tuesday's Challenge - #148 Anything Goes (12-3)

Thanks for visiting today!
Warm hugs,